Logo Timeline Wiki

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Logo Timeline Wiki
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This page only shows primary logo variants.
For other related logos and images, see:
/Colour Variants


Coke 1886

Coca-Cola was invented by John S. Pemberton on May 8, 1886. The spencerian script was not introduced, it was just the words "Coca-Cola" in regular text.


1887–1880 (primary), 1889–1941 (secondary)[]


In 1887, the familiar Spencerian script was first used. Compared to todays version, the script varied depending on its application, the word Trademark also commonly appeared in the bottom of the first 'C swirl'.



A new logo was released for Coca-Cola in 1880, which featured more swirls.


Coca-Cola - 1892

In 1892, Coca-Cola introduced a new logo, which is an improved version of 1887 script that also incorporates the "fish tail" on the first "C".

By the time this logo was in circulation, the company began to be associated with the color "Red". This was due the barrels that contained the syrup for the formula were painted in that color (which is actually a mix of different Red shades) so tax agents could distinguish them from alcohol during transport. The earliest known usage of this color can be seen in an 1894 painted outdoor wall sign from the Young Brothers Pharmacy in Cartersville, Georgia, that still stood to this day.



In 1891, the script began to be standardized.



In 1941, the word "Trademark" was removed from the logo.


Coca-Cola (Bold)