When I wrote two months ago that this wiki was close to being shut down, I said we would use an attribution notice to comply with the order from Fandom and we were going to put it on every page because manually checking over 5000 pages would take more time than we had.
In other words, we didn't know how much was a copy and we were going to run out of time before we found out, so we were just going to say that everything here was likely copied from Logopedia or another wiki. That fulfilled the requirement.
I've seen some pages being created that look like info is being moved from one page into a new page. The Attrib template is included at the top of the new page, so we're still doing it right. We're okay in doing that.
However, just because the attribution notice is there, that doesn't give us a blanket excuse to keep copying from other wikis. It was a signal that we'd gotten everything fixed and it wouldn't happen again in the future.
It also wasn't to be used to announce ahead of time that we're going to keep doing it. But both are exactly what's still happening.
No one is filling out the Edit Summary when they make an edit so we know whether something is a copy or if it's new information that they researched and verified themselves. Without that info, we have to assume it's a copy.
We had a few pages made for companies that haven't existed on this wiki before and the very first edit on each of them only contained the Attrib template. That's announcing we're going to keep copying from other wikis for these pages.
Both of these are going to get this wiki back in trouble with Fandom. It needs to stop quick.
In the blog, I said everyone needed to start doing their own research instead of just copying from other places. Not copying any more gives this wiki a better reason for existing, in comparison to Logopedia.
To be honest, the reason for keeping this wiki going gets smaller and smaller every time someone keeps copying from Logopedia or another wiki. What is the point of the Logo Timeline Wiki sticking around if we do nothing except copy from other wikis?
Also in the blog, I said deciding not to do anything to fix the problem we were facing was a decision to help force this wiki to close. Well, those decisions are still going on to this day. Every time you decide to copy from another wiki, you add one more reason to the column for closing this wiki. If you don't say you're copying, that's a second tally in the close the wiki column.
If this doesn't change and it doesn't happen soon, don't be surprised if this wiki isn't around any more.